Natsuko Mizushima v.d.Ree
Berlin based, Japanese born Natsuko Mizushima v.d.Ree is a freelance Graphic designer with many years experience of working with a diverse range of organizations. Alongside working as a designer, she handcrafts jewelry and objects for l’île d’eau.
ベルリン在住のグラフィックデザイナー。ベルリンの大学を卒業後、デザイン事務所で経験を積む。2017年よりフリーランスとして活動中。これまでに様々な企業・クライアントを相手に経験を積む傍ら、ハンドクラフト「l’île d’eau」のジュエリーやオブジェクトの製作も行う。
About aiüo space
Inspired by the differences between people, ideas and opinions aiüo, read “aiueo” like the Japanese “abcde”, is a versatile space with a focus on great design. Collaboration and communication are at the heart of aiüo as it promotes creativity and breaks down borders.
Photo by Silke Weinsheimer